Nos artistes

DJ Elio Ástor (Rome)
Formerly a club DJ, he started studying tango in 2003, he has been at the console as a tango dj for more than 5000 hours, during the first years putting music in tango festivals, milongas and encuentros milongueros in Europe and also in Buenos Aires where he was at the console of Club Fulgor, Nino Bien and the famous Salon Canning. During one of the traditional evenings he was very surprised because when he put a mixed tanda from Orquesta Fervor de Buenos Aires "al estilo de Carlos di Sarli", just few of the traditional dancers went to the dancefloor to dance. After some weeks he took the same tanda, he worked on it on the pc, adding hiss and vinyl effect deterioration, making it sound like an old vinyl. He proposed this tanda to the same milonga, which they danced happily. So he decided to spend his time looking at the possibilities which tango has to be danced on modern music, he was the first one to make a milonga with 100% modern music in Italy in 2008, he was the first to introduce the hangdrum in a milonga in 2016, he is now focusing on music production, he believes in a global tango music renaissance made by musicians and new tango orquestas, experienced djs, and open minded teachers who teach first steps on modern music instead retro/vintage one. He was the first one to live mix in a milonga, to make a milonga with 100% modern music in Italy in 2008 and to introduce the hangdrum in a milonga in 2016.

DJ Anna Neum (Moscou)
In music since childhood, playing range from piano classics to rock band. Fall in love with tango music in 1998. It took more than 10 years to start dancing instead of just listening, but it worth that. Both loves Golden era and Neo tango music and hopes that some day they can at last live in harmony Music flows in me and I flow with music Every set I play is live and depends on the dancefloor right here right now Love that kind of continious music flow, that takes dancers thru time and range of emotions. I'm in love with process - of searching and trying something new, changing, combining it into stream at console, feeling dancers energy... The only frustrating thing is that there are things I really want to dance, but never have an opportunity. So I dance them solo, while mixing.

DJ Sonja Armisén (Munich)
Sonja has been dancing and teaching Tango for more than 20 years now.
In 2004 she produced 2 electrotango CDs and opend the first Neolonga in Munich. She also created a new Tangostyle: TangoFusion,
especially for electro and neotango music. She runs a monthly Tangofusionparty in Munich and has been DJing Neotango around Europe in several Neomarathons and Neomilongas.

DJ Alain Andrieux (Londres)
Based in London, Alain has been spinning tunes in various scenes (Blues, Fusion and NeoTango) all over Europe and sometimes in the US. An obsessive DJ, he spends a totally unreasonable part of his time listening to new music (and ruthlessly discarding most of it). During his sets, he strives for eclectic blends in tempo and style, for instance spinning Latin/World songs as well as Chillstep in the same hour if it feels right for the floor. Alain has a particular fondness for slow, intense, emotionally charged songs that elevate dancers and give them goosebumps.

DJ Jens Stuller (Berlin)
Jens Stuller from Berlin is dancing Tango and also working as a DJ. He playfully mixes Neotango and Nontango from Folk, Pop or Jazz. He performs montly every third thursday in Berlin at the Mambita Milonga. He sometimes is travelling as guest DJ to Nuremberg, Munich, Essen or Karlsruhe. Up to now he was DJ at the Vienna-Neotango-Festival 2011, the Berlin-Tango-Festival 2014 and in April 2018 he was organizing the only Otros Aires Concert-Milonga in Berlin.

DJ Zak Nicolas (London)
Zak Nicholas has been involved in the Neotango scene since 2012. He organises small intimate events in London and plays a 90/10 mixture of Neo and only the most emotional, passionate and moving traditional music. He believes that the underlying raw essence of tango, the powerful force that addicts us all to tango is the sensuality of the dance. The music he plays reflects this.

VJ Andreas Lange (Hannovre)
Andreas joined the Tango in 2005 as a photographer and has been dancing since 2006.
From the very beginning, he was interested in alternative tango. Since 2015 he has focused his artistic work on the VJing. Almost invariably, he uses his own visual material. Some of them are works that have already been shown at exhibitions,
others have been created by him especially for the VJing. He sees the VJing as a form with visual elements to dance to the music. This results in a mutual influence on music, dancers and visuals.

DJ Raffaella Tempesta (Paris)
Dans une salle de cours, sur la scène, en piste ou aux platines… le parcours artistique de Raffaella nourrit son travail de DJ Neotango
Comédienne de formation en Italie, c’est à Paris qu’elle rencontre le tango argentin ainsi que la danse contacte. La connexion est rapidement faite, le deux disciplines se nourrissant réciproquement, elle se spécialise en Tango contact et développe le Tango Free Style (une façon libre et originelle d’aborder le tango en défiant les codes dans un jeu d’aller-retour de la forme à sa déstructuration). La recherche de son propre mouvement, l’autonomie et le plaisir sont la base de sa pédagogie, pour développer une danse personnelle, profonde et poétique.
Coté scène, dans ses spectacle et performances, à travers l’exploration des aspects émotionnels et des possibilités narratives du tango, elle crée un dialogue entre le langage théâtrale et le langage dansé.
La passion pour la danse s’accompagne de celle pour la musique. Raffaella s’intéresse aux panorama musical du tango: elle étudie rythmes, styles, évolutions, contaminations, mélange de genre… des origines du tango jusqu’à l’univers Neotango contemporain (qu’elle propose de découvrir dans des stages théorico-pratique).
Nourrie de toutes ces recherches, sa programmation Neotango en résulte riche et variée. Des classiques revisités, des rythmes issus de la musique balkane, du dubstep, du trip hop, des compositions originales contemporaines, du pop… Raffaella crée à chaque fois des atmosphères diversifiées, intenses et atypiques.
Pour danser le tango… pour danser chacun son tango
Souvent en déplacement dans des festivals en tant que DJ, performeuse ou enseignante, Raffaella vit à Paris où elle enseigne et organise la Neolonga

DJ El Turquito (Paris)
Stéphane a commencé à musicaliser en 1999 dans ses propres soirées. Il était le premier sur Paris à passer la musique depuis un ordinateur. Cela lui permettait de se déplacer avec un ordinateur au lieu d’une caisse de CDs et d’agencer ses morceaux immédiatement comme il en avait envie. Après l’avoir un peu raillé au début, tout le monde a suivi.
De nombreux DJs ont fait leurs débuts dans ses organisations. Aujourd’hui encore, il se déplace un peu partout pour musicaliser des festivals et des grands évènements, en plus de toutes ses autres activités .
Sa spécialité est le Tango traditionnel, car il considère la démarche de passer des vieilleries comme un acte de transgression. Mais comme il a besoin de transgresser cette règle aussi, selon la demande, il incorpore des musiques de Balkans, quelques orientalismes, quelques électros et toutes les fantaisies possibles. Il n'est pas un intégriste même s'il apprécie le classicisme des grandes formations anciennes ou nouvelles.

vDJ Jean-Marc (Lausanne)
Born and raised in Switzerland, Jean-Marc has been fascinated by Electrotango since he first discovered it back in 1985. In 1994, he founded the Tangofolie association, which organized one of the oldest tango festival in the world: "Les Tangofolies de Lausanne".
Since 2006, Jean-Marc has been actively promoting the cause of Neotango by organizing the only Neolonga in the Lake Geneva region.
Jean-Marc performed in all main Neotango festivals : Bremen, Munich, Rome, Nantes, Toulouse & Stuttgart. He was also invited in Paris, Hanover, Lyon, Aix-les-Bains, Metz, Honfleur, Kiev & Minsk.
An avid and eclectic music aficionado, he likes mixing different styles in his sets. His performances offer a multimedia experience, in which he strives to find the perfect balance between known pieces and new discoveries.